June Check-in
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 07:00:44 PM
Hey all!
9 people have still not finished their surveys! If you have not filled out a survey please check your email attached to your Kickstarter for a Backerkit link. We want to get you your rewards and this makes the process easy for us all.
Short-ish update, and then I'll spend the rest of the post doing some page and art previews. We're still on track for the digital part of our roadmap. You should be receiving your copies of Era of Silence in August and the extra materials in September.
The rules are getting gently edited every now and then, but for the most part text and layout are done, we're just waiting for the art to get finished up! Moss is working as fast as they can but all three of the main Era of Silence staffers have other jobs besides Shrike, so we're trying to get as much done as fast as we can. We're expecting a final draft by mid-July and fulfillment in the last week of August.
The printer we were hoping to use has had some availability issues and we're looking for a new printing service. This may delay the fulfillment of print copies and pre-orders by a couple of months. We still expect to have them out and in your hands before the end of the year, even if we need to swap to a pricier domestic printing solution. Optimistically we fulfill this by October but it's a little less concrete than the digital side while we look for a new printer.
Early Access Ballistic:
A small update to the rulebook that mostly clarifies some rules about player characters getting damaged and rebalances some older rules around that to match the action-hero vibe of the current ruleset. It also implements a new style guide that keeps lore and rules references more consistent. As always you're entitled to a free ashcan copy while we fulfill the final rulebook. I've taken to calling this draft Ballistic.
A lot of work has been done on the layout and art! Here are some sample spreads (these won't be watermarked in print, of course). Any feedback you all have is welcome, of course! A big thing is we've added watercolors across text dense spreads to add a chemical-stained feel and keep those sections visually interesting.
I'll be back with more updates when we have more to say on it! We're on track and all buckling down on getting the finished product out as soon as possible.
As always, thank you
-R. Val
Era of Silence Co-writer